Photo of Jorge Fajardo Aya Spain
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"While being technically limited self-taught painter, is no less true that this fact gives some freedom in the execution of the work. Such is the case of Fajardo Aya, who except for some basic courses in painting, his training has been self . Degree in Mechanical Engineering, alternates his professional activity as an artist until about 10 years, he decides to devote himself to art. Perhaps the lack of academic freedom has...

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"While being technically limited self-taught painter, is no less true that this fact gives some freedom in the execution of the work. Such is the case of Fajardo Aya, who except for some basic courses in painting, his training has been self . Degree in Mechanical Engineering, alternates his professional activity as an artist until about 10 years, he decides to devote himself to art. Perhaps the lack of academic freedom has allowed the management of media and themes. The colorful of his work is perhaps due to his devotion to the work of artists like Henri Matisse, Vincent Van Gogh and Maurice Vlaminek. Fajardo Aya exists in the need to separate their work contexts and tested and approved, so with rigor and challenge, mixing techniques and constantly seeking creative ways. "

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